12 weeks on Tuesday?! Where has the time gone?

So far all of my posts have been about Hadley sleeping, well this will be like all the rest.

Hadley has slept (only once this long) for 9 1/2 hours…. What what?!   Go baby girl, GO!!!!

She is absolutely perfect.  Even when she is screaming because I can’t get her bottle ready fast enough (its like a panic scream) she is perfect.  I am in love with my baby girl.  🙂


Today at church Pastor Ron Hindt spoke about the big D (and I don’t mean Dallas).  It was a refreshing sermon and once again it was like he was speaking directly to me.  Not that I want to divorce my husband or ever will, too bad he is stuck with me forever, but like a lot of couples, the word has been thrown around and its something that I know I am not alone in fearing for.  My husband comes from a broken home, and I knew it going in to the relationship that almost every single adult he looked up to growing up was either unfaithful in their marriage, got a divorce or both….  Its a sad reality that so many out there have gone through divorce.  Even when I thought my parents hated each other, even when my mom packed us an overnight bag and we went to a hotel to stay the night because their fighting was too much for us, they stuck it out, I admire them for it, yes, we are slightly off kilter and we yell at each other all the time, but they stayed together and we had a better life for it.  One parent NEVER pitted against the other, and even when they disagreed with their own issues – they always backed each other up when it came to us.  It has given me something to strive toward.  Working on my relationship and being the best wife and partner I can be.   There is a reason God put us in each other’s life and I want to honor God’s will by making my relationship with my husband the best it can be. 

Anyway….. Pastor Ron made this analogy – If you only were to have one car for your entire life, never could get another one, how would you take care of it?  You would baby it, you would wash it and take care of it, you would get it fixed if it were to be wrecked, you would ensure that it ran as long as you lived.  That’s how you should treat your marriage.  This was a great analogy.


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